Шаурма+тонкий лаваш
Ингредиенты для лаваша:
Мука – 175 гр.
Вода горячая – 100 мл.
Соль – 1/3 ч.л.
Ингредиенты для шавермы:
Говядина - 300 гр.
Бараний жир (можно сало) - 20 гр.
Помидор – 1 шт.
Огурец – 1 шт. (маленький)
Болгарский перец – ½ шт.
Ингредиенты для соуса:
Натуральный йогурт – 3 части
Майонез – 2 части
Чеснок – 2-4 зубчика
Черный молотый перец
Мясо и жир отправим в морозильник, чтобы немного подморозить.
Начнем готовить лаваш.
В горячую воду добавляем соль и размешиваем, вливаем в просеянную муку
вымешиваем тесто в течение 10 минут, накрываем пленкой и оставляем на 20-30
Приступим к соусу. Смешиваем йогурт и майонез, добавляем тертый на
мелкой терке чеснок, паприку, перец, соль.
Хорошо все перемешиваем и отставляем
Вернемся к лавашу.
Берем тесто, разделяем его на 5 частей, скатываем шарики.
Каждый шарк
раскатываем в очень тонкую лепешку по размеру сковородки, на которой будет
жариться лаваш (меркой может служить крышка от сковородки).
сковородку без масла и на большом огне обжариваем каждую лепешку с двух сторон
до образования пузырьков и легкой румяности.
Очень важно не пересушить лаваш.
Обжаренные лепешки взбрызнуть холодной водой и поместить в пакет, чтобы он стал
Достаем говядину и жир с морозильника и нарезаем все тонкими слайсами.
Разогреваем чугунную сковородку, наливаем немножко подсолнечного масла и обжариваем
Во время жарки, мясо измельчаем при помощи ножа и лопатки. Когда говядина
подрумянится, добавляем жир, перемешиваем и обжариваем буквально одну минуту,
солим, перчим. Выключаем огонь.
Можно приступать к сборке шавермы.
Берем только что приготовленный лаваш смазываем соусом,
овощи и конечно же мясо, заворачиваем все в лаваш и
обжариваем по пару минут с
двух сторон на разогретой сковородке.
Шаверма готова.
Полный видео рецепт смотрите на нашем канале
Shaverma + thin lavash
Ingredients for pita bread:
Flour - 175 gr.
Hot water - 100 ml.
Salt - 1/3 tsp.
Ingredients for Shaverm:
Beef - 300 gr.
Lamb fat (you can lard) - 20 gr.
Tomato - 1 pc.
Cucumber - 1 piece. (little)
Bulgarian pepper - ½ pcs.
Ingredients for sauce:
Natural yoghurt - 3 parts
Mayonnaise - 2 parts
Garlic - 2-4 cloves
Ground black pepper
Meat and fat will be sent to the freezer to freeze a little.
Let's start making lavash.
In the hot water, add salt and stir, pour into the sifted flour and knead the dough for 10 minutes, cover with a film and leave for 20-30 minutes.
Let's start the sauce. Mix yogurt and mayonnaise, add garlic, paprika, pepper and salt grated on a small grater. We mix everything well and leave to insist.
Let's return to pita bread.
Take the dough, divide it into 5 parts, roll the balls. Each shark is rolled into a very thin cake to the size of a frying pan on which lavash will be roasted (a lid from a frying pan can serve as a measure). We heat the frying pan without oil and over a large fire fry each cake from two sides to the formation of bubbles and light rudeness. It is very important not to overcook the pita bread. Fried cakes sprinkle with cold water and place in a bag to make it soft.
We get beef and fat from the freezer and cut it all with thin slices.
Heat the cast-iron frying pan, pour a little sunflower oil and fry the meat. During the frying, the meat is crushed with a knife and spatula. When the beef is browned, add the fat, mix and fry literally one minute, salt, pepper. Turn off the fire.
You can start assembling shaverms.
We take freshly cooked pita bread with sauce, spread vegetables and, of course, meat, wrap everything in lavash and fry for a couple of minutes on both sides in the heated pan. Shaverma is ready.
See the full video recipe on our channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO_H3If7tvNp_UWkP_qtxiA
Flour - 175 gr.
Hot water - 100 ml.
Salt - 1/3 tsp.
Ingredients for Shaverm:
Beef - 300 gr.
Lamb fat (you can lard) - 20 gr.
Tomato - 1 pc.
Cucumber - 1 piece. (little)
Bulgarian pepper - ½ pcs.
Ingredients for sauce:
Natural yoghurt - 3 parts
Mayonnaise - 2 parts
Garlic - 2-4 cloves
Ground black pepper
Meat and fat will be sent to the freezer to freeze a little.
Let's start making lavash.
In the hot water, add salt and stir, pour into the sifted flour and knead the dough for 10 minutes, cover with a film and leave for 20-30 minutes.
Let's start the sauce. Mix yogurt and mayonnaise, add garlic, paprika, pepper and salt grated on a small grater. We mix everything well and leave to insist.
Let's return to pita bread.
Take the dough, divide it into 5 parts, roll the balls. Each shark is rolled into a very thin cake to the size of a frying pan on which lavash will be roasted (a lid from a frying pan can serve as a measure). We heat the frying pan without oil and over a large fire fry each cake from two sides to the formation of bubbles and light rudeness. It is very important not to overcook the pita bread. Fried cakes sprinkle with cold water and place in a bag to make it soft.
We get beef and fat from the freezer and cut it all with thin slices.
Heat the cast-iron frying pan, pour a little sunflower oil and fry the meat. During the frying, the meat is crushed with a knife and spatula. When the beef is browned, add the fat, mix and fry literally one minute, salt, pepper. Turn off the fire.
You can start assembling shaverms.
We take freshly cooked pita bread with sauce, spread vegetables and, of course, meat, wrap everything in lavash and fry for a couple of minutes on both sides in the heated pan. Shaverma is ready.
See the full video recipe on our channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO_H3If7tvNp_UWkP_qtxiA
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домашняя шаурма рецепт
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shawarma recipe
shawarma recipe
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shawarma home recipe
Shaverma recipe
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homemade shawarma recipe
shaverma at home
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shawarma recipe
shaurma at home
shawarma home recipe
Shaverma recipe
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shaurma home
house shaurma
home-made shawarma recipe
shaurma at home
homemade shawarma recipe
shaverma at home
recipe shavermy
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