Молочный шоколад
Какао бобы сырые – 100 гр.
Сахар – 30 гр.
Какао масло – 50 гр.
Сухое молоко 2 ст.л.
Какао бобы обжарить в духовке при температуре 120 градусов в
течение 15-20 минут ( так они легче будут чиститься), даем немного остыть.
Тщательно чистим какао бобы от шелухи, пленки и твердых
стерженьков, которые находятся внутри какао бобов.
Подготовленные какао бобы немного измельчаем (можно в электрической кофемолке
или ступке), затем перетираем очень мелко на ручной кофемолке вместе с сахаром.
На водяной бане растапливаем какао масло,
перетертые какао бобы и
сухое молоко, хорошо перемешиваем и доводим до
температуры 45-50 градусов.
Снимаем с водяной бани, остужаем , постоянно
помешивая, до температуры 27 градусов,
затем на несколько секунд помещаем на
водяную баню,
чтобы поднять температуру до 29-30 градусов и разливаем по
Остужаем шоколад до комнатной температуры, и чтобы ускорить
процесс застывания, ставим формочки в холодильник.
Когда шоколад полностью
застынет, достаем его из формоче и можем пробовать.
Полный видео рецепт смотрите на нашем канале
Cocoa beans raw - 100 gr.
Sugar - 30 gr.
Cocoa butter - 50 gr.
Milk powder 2 tbsp.
Cocoa beans fry in the oven at a temperature of 120 degrees for 15-20 minutes (so they will be easier to clean), let's cool a bit.
Thoroughly clean the cocoa beans from the husk, film and hard pins that are inside the cocoa beans.
Prepared cocoa beans a little grind (you can in an electric coffee grinder or a mortar), then grind very finely in a hand grinder along with sugar.
In a water bath, melt the cocoa butter, add the ground cocoa beans and milk powder, mix well and bring it to a temperature of 45-50 degrees. Remove from the water bath, cool it, stirring constantly, to a temperature of 27 degrees, then put it for a few seconds in a water bath to raise the temperature to 29-30 degrees and pour it on the molds.
We cool the chocolate to room temperature, and to accelerate the process of solidification, put the molds in the refrigerator. When the chocolate is completely solidified, we get it out of the mold and can try it.
Cocoa beans raw - 100 gr.
Sugar - 30 gr.
Cocoa butter - 50 gr.
Milk powder 2 tbsp.
Cocoa beans fry in the oven at a temperature of 120 degrees for 15-20 minutes (so they will be easier to clean), let's cool a bit.
Thoroughly clean the cocoa beans from the husk, film and hard pins that are inside the cocoa beans.
Prepared cocoa beans a little grind (you can in an electric coffee grinder or a mortar), then grind very finely in a hand grinder along with sugar.
In a water bath, melt the cocoa butter, add the ground cocoa beans and milk powder, mix well and bring it to a temperature of 45-50 degrees. Remove from the water bath, cool it, stirring constantly, to a temperature of 27 degrees, then put it for a few seconds in a water bath to raise the temperature to 29-30 degrees and pour it on the molds.
We cool the chocolate to room temperature, and to accelerate the process of solidification, put the molds in the refrigerator. When the chocolate is completely solidified, we get it out of the mold and can try it.
See the full
video recipe on our channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO_H3If7tvNp_UWkP_qtxiA
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natural chocolate
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how to make chocolate at home
how to make chocolate from cocoa
natural chocolate
how to make chocolate
hot chocolate recipe
home made chocolate
how to cook chocolate
chocolate at home
how to make chocolate at home
how to make chocolate from cocoa
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