Отбивная по "Французски "
три варианта Chop for "French" three
Биточки по-французски очень простой и
вкусный рецепт
свинина (корейка без кости) 500 гр.
лук репчатый 2-3 шт.
сыр (типа "Российского") 200-300
майонез 300 гр.
соль по вкусу
свежемолотый перец
Мясо нарезать поперек волокон на пласты, толщиной 1,5-2 см.
Каждый пласт мяса отбить, посолить
и поперчить.
Лук очистить и нарезать
Сыр натереть на крупной терке.
На смазанный подсолнечным маслом противень выложить мясо.
Сверху, на мясо, выложить лук, смазать майонезом и обильно присыпать
тертым сыром.
Вариант с грибами
Сверху на мясо выложить нарезанные слайсами шампиньоны, затем лук,
майонез и сыр.
Вариант с помидорами
Сверху на мясо выложить нарезанные тонкими дольками помидоры, затем лук,
майонез и сыр.
Подготовленные биточки ставим в разогретую до 180 градусов духовку на 25
– 30 минут
Полный видео рецепт смотрите на
нашем канале https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO_H3If7tvNp_UWkP_qtxiA
Cribs in French very simple and delicious recipe
pork (loin without bone) 500 gr.
onion 2-3 pcs.
cheese (such as "Russian") 200-300 gr.
mayonnaise 300 gr.
salt to taste
freshly ground pepper
Cut the meat across the fibers into strata, 1.5-2 cm thick.
Each layer of meat is discarded, salt and pepper.
Peel onion and cut into half rings.
Grate the cheese on a large grater.
On a baking sheet greased with sunflower oil put the meat.
From above, on meat, put onions, grease with mayonnaise and abundantly sprinkle with grated cheese.
Variant with mushrooms
On top of the meat put slices of champignons, then onions, mayonnaise and cheese.
Option with tomatoes
On top of the meat put the thinly sliced tomatoes, then onion, mayonnaise and cheese.
Prepared bitovets put in a preheated to 180 degrees oven for 25 - 30 minutes
pork (loin without bone) 500 gr.
onion 2-3 pcs.
cheese (such as "Russian") 200-300 gr.
mayonnaise 300 gr.
salt to taste
freshly ground pepper
Cut the meat across the fibers into strata, 1.5-2 cm thick.
Each layer of meat is discarded, salt and pepper.
Peel onion and cut into half rings.
Grate the cheese on a large grater.
On a baking sheet greased with sunflower oil put the meat.
From above, on meat, put onions, grease with mayonnaise and abundantly sprinkle with grated cheese.
Variant with mushrooms
On top of the meat put slices of champignons, then onions, mayonnaise and cheese.
Option with tomatoes
On top of the meat put the thinly sliced tomatoes, then onion, mayonnaise and cheese.
Prepared bitovets put in a preheated to 180 degrees oven for 25 - 30 minutes
See the full video recipe on our channel
мясо по французски рецепт
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мясо по французски с помидорами
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мясо по королевски
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meat in French recipe
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meat in French in the oven
how to cook meat in French
how to cook meat in French
meat in French with mushrooms
meat in French with tomatoes
cook meat in French
how to make meat in French
how to make meat in French
meat in a royal way
the meat is kingly
chops in French
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meat in French in the oven
how to cook meat in French
how to cook meat in French
meat in French with mushrooms
meat in French with tomatoes
cook meat in French
how to make meat in French
how to make meat in French
meat in a royal way
the meat is kingly
chops in French
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