Колбаса Брауншвейгская
Проиготовленная по книге А. Конникова «Колбасы и мясокопчености» ГОСТ
1938 года .
Говядина –
450 гр.
нежирная - 250 гр.
Шпик – 300
нитритная – 30 гр.
Сахар – 2
Перец черный
молотый – 1 гр.
- 0,3 гр.
Говядину и
свинину зачищаем от жил, режем на небольшие куски, соль смешиваем с сахаром и
засаливаем все мясо, хорошо перемешиваем и отправляем в холодильник на 5-7 дней.
Засоленное мясо измельчаем на мясорубке с решеткой 2-3
Шпик предварительно подмораживаем,
измельчаем кубиками 3-4 мм. и добавляем в фарш вместе со специями.
все хорошо при помощи миксера до равномерного распределения шпика и появления
белых волокон. Вымешанный фарш помещаем в холодильник на 24 часа.
перекладываем в шприц для набивки
колбас, обвязываем и
подвешиваем на
осадку при температуре 4-6 градусов на
3-5 суток.
После осадки батоны помещаем в коптильню и коптим 8-12 часов при температуре 20-22 градуса.
копчения, вывешиваем колбасу в камеру для созревания, на 30-40 дней. Идеальные условия, температура 10-12
градусов, влажность 70-75 %. Если нет таких условий, выкладываем колбасу
неплотно в контейнер, ставим на верхнюю полку холодильника, раз в два три дня
достаем из холодильника, подвешиваем и
выдерживаем несколько часов при комнатной температуре, действуем так до полного
Braunschweig Produced
according to A. Konnikov's book "Sausages and meat-smoking" GOST
Beef - 450 gr.
Low fat pork - 250 gr.
Lard - 300 gr.
Salt nitrite - 30 gr.
Sugar - 2 gr.
Black pepper powder - 1 gr.
Cardamom - 0.3 gr.
We clean the beef and pork from the veins, cut into small pieces, mix the salt with sugar and salting all the meat, mix well and send it to the refrigerator for 5-7 days.
Salted meat is chopped in a meat grinder with a grate of 2-3 mm. Fat pre-freeze, crush the cubes 3-4 mm. and add the minced meat along with the spices.
Mix everything well with a mixer until the bacon is evenly distributed and white fibers appear. The mixed minced meat is placed in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
Then we put it into a syringe for stuffing sausages, we tie it and hang it on the sediment at a temperature of 4-6 degrees for 3-5 days. After the precipitation the loaves are placed in a smokehouse and smoked for 8-12 hours at a temperature of 20-22 degrees.
After smoking, hang the sausage in the chamber for ripening, for 30-40 days. Ideal conditions, temperature 10-12 degrees, humidity 70-75%. If there are no such conditions, we spread the sausage loosely in a container, put it on the top shelf of the refrigerator, take it out of the refrigerator every two three days, hang it and hold it for several hours at room temperature, and act so until full maturation.
Beef - 450 gr.
Low fat pork - 250 gr.
Lard - 300 gr.
Salt nitrite - 30 gr.
Sugar - 2 gr.
Black pepper powder - 1 gr.
Cardamom - 0.3 gr.
We clean the beef and pork from the veins, cut into small pieces, mix the salt with sugar and salting all the meat, mix well and send it to the refrigerator for 5-7 days.
Salted meat is chopped in a meat grinder with a grate of 2-3 mm. Fat pre-freeze, crush the cubes 3-4 mm. and add the minced meat along with the spices.
Mix everything well with a mixer until the bacon is evenly distributed and white fibers appear. The mixed minced meat is placed in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
Then we put it into a syringe for stuffing sausages, we tie it and hang it on the sediment at a temperature of 4-6 degrees for 3-5 days. After the precipitation the loaves are placed in a smokehouse and smoked for 8-12 hours at a temperature of 20-22 degrees.
After smoking, hang the sausage in the chamber for ripening, for 30-40 days. Ideal conditions, temperature 10-12 degrees, humidity 70-75%. If there are no such conditions, we spread the sausage loosely in a container, put it on the top shelf of the refrigerator, take it out of the refrigerator every two three days, hang it and hold it for several hours at room temperature, and act so until full maturation.
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